RobotStudio event

own xml file for application ERRORS

Hi guys,
I want to log the error in to the "Event log".I know the list of errors in my applications.I would like to create a XML file to list out my all the application errors.While running my applications any error occurs, I would like to log in to the event log.Which will be helpful for me to trace what happened in the process.Guide me. Thank you.Smile



  • Can Somebody answer my Query? 

    I know this is possible, but I need some guidance.

    Thanks in advance.
  • I have moved the question to the RobotWare forum as this seems to be more related to the controller rather than RobotStudio.



    PS. I suppose you are aware of the ErrWrite command that can write custom messages to the Event Log. You can use the Event Viewer in RobotStudio to read the events from the controller and save them to a file. Then you can open the file in e.g. Excel for further analysis. But, then this is not XML... 

    Henrik Berlin
  • Thank you for your reply Mr.Henrik.

    I know about Errwrite. But I should use it in all error places.

    I want to create common error ids. like for Gripper Errors, Machine Errors, Device response errors.

    I want to use Error Log and my own customized error messages.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
    like this some encoding methods used in the XML files. When, I used some other encoding method the error log was not working.

    Which encoding method I should use for XML files?

    I tried with this method

    HOMElanguageen ext_file1.xml
               <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
               <Resource Name="text_table_name" Language="en">
               <Text Name="1_1">
               <Value>This is a text that is 1</Value>
                <Comment>The first part of my text</Comment>
                <Text Name="1_2">
                 <Value>displayed in the user interface.</Value>
                 <Comment>The second part of my text</Comment>

    I stored and using the follwing program I installed this file

    PROC install_text()
       !Test if text_table_name is already installed
       IF TextTabFreeToUse("text_table_name") THEN
       !Install the table from the file
       TextTabInstall "D:/Prahasam/HOME/language/en/text_file.xml";
       !Assign the text table number for
       !text_table_name to text_res_no
       text_res_no := TextTabGet("text_table_name");

    PROC main
          !Write error message with two strings
          !from the table text_res_no
          ErrWrite TextGet(text_res_no, 1),
         TextGet(text_res_no, 2);


    These things I read from the Help files, I can not able to find the "Additional Options" manual

  • Henrik, Thank you for your reply.

    I will try with this manual.
  • Hello
    Can anyone explain how to install a validated elog XML file into a System. I can test the xml files using the File Validator tool and no errors are found.
    The manual attached above ends at this point. There is no reference of how to add a validated xml file to a system.

    If using a XML table there is a function called TextTabInstall. Is there something similar for eventlog xml files??