RobotStudio event

Broken Licensing Evaluation-Updated

I am getting a message that I don't have valid licenses applied for RSOnline VIRC5, etc. despite the fact that I just upgraded to the 5.06 release versions and applied new licenses.

I did this, of course, after experiencing the same behavior with the previous versions of these products that were installed and working up until some unknown event occurred earlier today.

I understand that there is a known problem with licensing, does anyone know the workaround, or better yet, solution? I have not tampered with my clock settings.

Russell Drown


  • If you have or previously had RobotStudio 5.0 EAP or Virtual IRC5 5.06 Alpha Build 1421 installed.
    You may get a message that you don't have a valid license even though you have a valid license.
    If you have this problem and have or previously had RobotStudio 5.0 EAP or Virtual IRC5 5.06 Alpha Build 1421 please send an e-mail to :
    Then we will contact you and solve the problem.image
    Tonje Sandberg
    Service Training Coordinator
    ABB AB / Robotics Products
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