RobotStudio event

SearchL using an Analog Input

Hello all,

I am working with ABB programming for the first time.  I have successfully connected an analog input signal via device net.

What I'd like to accomplish is a linear move which stops when my analog input reaches a certain value (this value will need to be a variable).

I see that SearchL only accepts a Digital Input...  What is the best way to achieve similar functionality using my Ain signal?

Thank you.


  • Hello James,
    You may want to try to use the instruction ISignalAI to interrupt your movement. Use StopMove /Quick to stop the robot in your trap. Check the example in the Rapid manual for the ClearPath instruction.

    BR  Jim Proulx
  • hello

       Yes ,you can use AI interupt to stop the robot,but the robot speed can't be too high,or the robot will move a short distance to the desired positon. 
    jerry-li.cao2010-09-27 06:49:28