RobotStudio event

How to manage a variable?

I'd  like to manage a variable in SM.
For example,

image to have a rapid num Speed:=10.


I'd like to push a button and  icrease this value,

for example  by  5.


then  if the Speed reach 100, I'd like to reset this value to 0.


How can I do  this?


(Call .net method? how to  pass the current value to the method?)


Can I have an  example?



Oscar Ferrrato


  • Hello,

    You can refer to ScreenMaker chapter in RobotStudio 5.13 Help documentation

    Search for the keyword 'Call .NET Method' in search tab. 


    Steps are defined describing usage of Call .Net Method.


    I have attached a project which would help you out. The return value of the your method would be the value being passed as paramter. Bind the value to an application variable.



  • Thank you for the example.
    Now  I'll take a look on it.


    Just a comment, I cannot  find  anythink about  .net Method in RS 5.13.1  help on line


    Oscar Ferrrato
  • Thanks.
    I did it  work.  I forgot  to  write again my rapid variable after the  method code.


    (about the manual- I find the content, the problem was that the help  search it was not  working. I find it  searching it  manually...)


    Oscar Ferrrato