HELP - Cant set properties


I have just recently upgraded to 3.0 and now I cannot set properties inside a controller - I get the following:image


Looking forward to your reply



Thomas H. Johnston
PACs Application Engineer


  • Hello Thomas,

    It seams as you are missing a mediapool. Are you working just with the RobotStudio standard mediapools or have you installed some other mediapool that doesn't come with the installation?

    If you work with standard mediapools could you please verify that you have the mediapool marked in the picture below?

    Please let us know if this solved your problem!

    Best regards

    /Ulrika Mor?n

    Support Engineer



  • Hello Ulrika -

    I checked this last week and found the mediapool subdirectory was curropted after installation of RobotStudio 3.0. there were many subdirectories of rev 80 in the mediapool subdirectory - all of them were empty.

    I had originally added rev 80 from CD a while ago to robinstall.

    This appeared to work fine in RS2.1, as it was added at the time 80 was released.

    I had to totally unistall RobotStudio and Robinstall and re-install.


    Everything is fine now image




    Thomas H. Johnston
    PACs Application Engineer
  • Great to hear you are up and running again!

