Group of (binary) CheckBoxes to Num Data?


I?_Tm considering using ScreenMaker to rewrite some of our custom Flex Pendant screens for spray robot applications.   I?_Tve figured out how to call .NET functions to interface with my own code, but I wonder is it possible to read/write the state of controls from the ScreenMaker toolbox directly in .NET?


One of my current screens has 16 CheckBox?_Ts on it?_" I use them to read/write a binary coded number between 0-65535 to a PERS num datatype.  I already have C# code to handle this, but can?_Tt find an easy way to do this in Screen Maker.   It looks like I would have to link each of the 16 boxes to an application variable and then read/write those variables to a .NET function (that's a LOT of work in ScreenMaker). 

Any suggestions on an easier way to convert a group of (binary) CheckBoxes into a num data would be greatly appreciated.  Also, I was able to this same thing many years ago with the S4C+ version of ScreenMaker. 

Thanks in advance,



  • Hi

    Have you tried to create a virtual IO board and define 16 digital outputs (0-15) and one group output (mapping 0-15). This way you can bind each of your CheckBoxes to one digital output in ScreenMaker and use your group output to read the numeric value in the Rapid code. It's a workaround but seems to work...


  • Osku,

    Yes I thought about doing it that way, but like you mentioned, it?_Ts a workaround.  I actually have 64 total check boxes in the screens that need to be coded from binary, it doesn?_Tt seem like a clean way to handle it.  I would much rather keep all of the code in the application, but I don't yet know enough about how the .NET code ties into ScreenMaker.  
  • Hello,

    You are interested in re-creating a screen from FPSDK in ScreenMaker.

    Take look at this posting, it gives some details:


    This could be an option, provided your screen is not too complex and is referring to lot more external components(dll).


    Just give it a try. Hope this helps.


    Regarding how the .NET code ties with ScreenMaker, refer to this post:


  • Thank you.  I was able to add one of my own FPSDK screens into ScreenMaker, I?_Tll work more with that to see if I can get the rest of my application to work that way.

    I'm going to post another topic about how to create ?_oThird-Party Controls?__ in Screen Maker.  Hopefully you can share some links on that.


    Thanks again,
