Changing value of application variables

How can i change the value of a station variables?

I will use som bool to show/hide some group boxes.

I can only bind the visible proberty to application variables not controller object.


I'm also wandering why i can bind the enable proberty to controler object but not the visible proberty???


BR Klaus
Best Regards

Klaus Soenderhegn


  • Station variables


    ScreenMaker works onlt with the controller signals. You will need to create virtual variables in order to communicate with RS


    Unable to bind the Visible property


    Reason: this was done in order to ensure a a most robust and reliable with ScreenMaker.


    Short explanation: The UI control must be shown at least once in order to strat its binding functionality.


    Large version: ScreenMaker relies on the binding mechanism provided by .NET environment. A UI control will activate the the bindings between its properties and external values. The main current limitation is that in order to activate the binding mechanism, the UI control should be shown at least once. If ScreenMaker would allow to bind the visible property to a RAPID boolean (which is FALSE), this UI control will never been shown, which indeed will prevent all its binding to be updated. However, if it connects to application variable, the UI control has a chanve to activate the binding mechanism.


    Hope this explain this limitation.
    Carlos Martinez