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webware, patches and virusguard [WebWare SDK]

Hello all, I want to know if there are any problems in installing latest patches and virusguard updates on a PC which runs a Webware application. I'm using Webware 4.0. 

I've heard of patches that have broken some applications.

We might connect our Robots and Webware PC in our customers big LAN and they will therefor require our PC to be updated reguarly through there updatingschema.

Does the antivirus programs of today interfer with the port which webware uses?


  • Virus proctection programs have so far never been reported to have impacted WebWare.

    But when it comes to many of Windows patches and Hotfixes they are changing the security settings, and that can block the communication. image

    So if you run automatic updates you might run into the situation that communication goes down. In that case you should check what the patch "fixed" and if it is possible to change the settings, or if you need to do a rollback on the patch.

    A perfect example of this was service pack 2 for Windows XP which shut down all WebWare communication when it was released.