RobotStudio event

Internal error messages

Hi Everyone,

I have a application where  I have to be able to change a signal if the Emergency stop is activated. The E stops are wired to robot internally.

My Query : Can I monitor these internal messages or internal faults which displays on the pendent. The Pendent shows error numbers and probable cause for the fault. But I want to displays these on a external HMI and also use a background task to monitor these error numbers and set some flags accordingly.

It is possible to this in some other NON ABB robots, but I am not sure why the ABB Service center in UK keep saying that you cant do that. The error number should be in some internal database to the Robot, there should be a way to tag them.

Please do respond.

                                                          Thank you

Bharat Suvarna


  • Hi,

    You can use the errnum data type to do this.

    Trap the errors in an error handler and then set your flags.

    The attached extract from the RAPID manual gives an example and list of the error codes.





  • Moved to RobotWare forum.
    Henrik Berlin
  • You could also use the QStop Event parameter to run a routine when the robot has been e-stopped.

    System Parameter / Controller / Event Routine

    BR jim Proulx
  • Thank you ALL for your help. I will try these solutions
    Bharat Suvarna