RobotStudio event

Base frame position conflict

Hello All;

I am using Robotstudio 5.13.02. Presently my problem is whenever I open the system (with two external axis) tobotstudio shows error of changed baseframe position.

The problem started when I did as following:-

I created a new systsem from backup.

My exteranl axis position in the station was not correct. I was wondering why!!1

I checked the external axis position in the configuration editor.It was OK. I checked in system configuration also. It was also correct.

I updated the positions in the real station, by right clicking the external axis and set position.

After doing this whenever I open the station its showing the changed ext axis position. And when I correct it , the external axis position is changed to the wrong position. So I am not updating the position when the error message comes. (By clicking No)


How to update the station ext axis position to system configuration value?


  • The idea is that RS should update the station values of the baseframes to the system configuration values if the you answer 'Yes' to the update question.


    Please get in touch with your local ABB Robotics Service representative that can forward your issue to our tech support.
    Henrik Berlin