Emergency Stop Contacts in IRC5 Controller

I am using an IRC5 that I am trying to find a way to monitor the robot estop circuit.  I thought the connectors on X1 and X2 pin 1 to pin 2 on both would be dry contacts that simply monitored the condition of the robot Estop pushbuttons.  It appears as though those contacts only change state when the overall Estop circuit of the controller is ok. 

I have used several different manufacturers of robots in the past and have had internal monitoring of the Estop state.  This is done for one reason:  if an Estop is pressed on the robot it also Estops the machine it is connected to.  Please advise.  Thanks.



  • Hi,

    You can use the emergency stop system output to get the status of the e-stop circuit.

    See the system parameters manual, I/O topic, type system output for more details.


    Or if you wire the connected machines e-stop circuit through the robot e-stop, if the circuit is broken on either machine both machines will e-stop.

    The product manual for the IRC5 controller has the details on which pins to use for different senarios in the Installation & Commisioning chapter -> connections -> motor on/motors off circuit.



  • Hi graemepaulin,

    What is the contact rating of connector X1.  I want to connect  e-stop of another machine to Pins 1&2 of X1.  Which is rated at 230V.

  • Hi,

    The ABB safety circuit is 24 volt, so you will need to use a (safety rated) relay between the two circuits.



  • It is never a good practice to use the voltage potential from another machine in the IRC5 (or any other ABB robot controller).  The potential for a floating ground could develop.  Graeme is correct, a relay circuit that is energized by the IRC5 Estop chain would be needed.  Wire the 230V Estop signal from the other machine to a NO dry contact on the relay.  This will address the Estop requirement of the other system, resolve the issue with the different voltage potentials, and isolate the voltages between the two machines.
  • can anyone please provide me with the pin details for the safety connectors in IRC5..
    thanks in advance..

    Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric..
  • @megatooL have a look at 

    The product manual for the IRC5 controller has the details on which pins to use for different senarios in the Installation & Commisioning chapter -> connections -> motor on/motors off circuit.
