RobotStudio event

MIssing positioener under AWPP [ArcWelding PowerPac]

when i open AWPP and mark multipl targets and chose "modify"-->"eternal axis values on selection" i then ONLY have my track available, but not the positioner???

I have been using the same station since 5.08 and have never seen this before.

see attached pictures:

Pic_1 is where i select tha tagets and chose the function

Pic_2 is the screen that comes up afterwards where I am missing the positioner.imageimage
Kent zibrandtsen
Hardi International A/S


  • Moved for ArWelding PP forum.

    (Just a thought: Is the positioner generated using RS 5.13.02? Then the reason might be that the positioner is not saved as a library. Positioners of the new generation (M2009) are not saved as libraries by default in 5.13.02. The reason is that they are generated on demand and not pre-built. It would still be an error in AWPP though...)
    Henrik Berlin
  • hi
    The hole station is made in a previous version of RS I think in 5.8 and it uses RW 5.08.01_1009

    This has never been an issue before but is is VERY anouing because you cant make multichanges for this axis then.
    Kent zibrandtsen
    Hardi International A/S
  • Please get in touch with your local ABB representative that can forward your issue to our tech support. Include a Pack & Go file of the station and a description of your problem.
    Henrik Berlin