RobotStudio event

calibrate tool frame

Today, I am doing the calibration of the tool frame.I install a welding gun in the robot.

  open"jogging",then create a new tool named "tool1",then define using four points TCP(default orient.),then I jog the robot to an appropriate position,then tap " modify positon" now ocurs: Active mechanical unit is not calibrated.   why?how?Confused 


At the same time,I have a  quesiton:where do I find the data of the TCP of the robot.Without any action,I can find it from the Flexpedent.YES OR NO?


  • Moved to RobotWare forum.
    Henrik Berlin
  • I have not solved the calibration problem.Would any one give me some tips?Thank you!
  • Hi,

    Are the rev counters updated on the robot (presume that is the mechanical unit you are using)?


    You can view the current TCP location in the jogging window.

    Otherwise the tooldata gives the location of the tool TCP in relation to Tool0.



  • Hi,graemepaulin ,I have found why.Yes,your tip is paid a role.I have not updated the rev counters.But now I found a new problem: every time,I open my robot,I have to do the same work:updating the rev counters.What happend?How do I do ?Why?I updated the rev counters ,but how to assess?Where can I see the posture matrix of the end of the robot(TCP),?_1??Z?o??T"??Y??__??+?3??s,??_??Yc?~??__??o<?^??_-??O??Z?"??o<?^???Y style=": #fff" =".style.Color='#fff'"> relativing  to the end of the robot base coordinate system?