RobotStudio event

I/O Signals


I am relatively new to Rapid programming and have problem I am not sure how to write the code for.


I am trying to setup a rotary table that I need to monitor the RPM's before motion occurs. I will get a DI signal when the  RPM's are correct but I need to know how to write an Interrupt to prevent motion before the condition is met.


The table has proximity sensors that I receive DI signals from when the rotary table has completed revolutions. I will need to start at the zero degree table position so I will get a DI signal then.


I have a couple of questions I need help with.


Could I just use the WAITDI command until the signals are received?

Can I read the DI signal and when it equals 1, write the value to a num variable so I can count total revolutions?


I am planning on using a WHILE command to evaluate when the correct number of revolutions has been completed.


I am not really sure if this is the right approach or not, but I need some advice if other methods would work better.


Any code examples provided would be greatly appreciated.





  • May be something like this:

    WaitDi MySignal,1;
    Reg1 := Reg1+1;
    WaitDi MySignal,0;


    Jorge Turiel

  • That is similiar to what I did. I used a WaitTime instead of WaitDI MySignal,0;
    I like your solution better to wait until the DI signal = 0 rather than assigning a specific time period.
