RobotStudio event

Rotate only axis 6 after searchL

I am doing a searchL into a duel level laser sensor to search a groove for a chip after machining and cannot figure our how to rotate only axis 6 from my CRobT. I have broken down my position into robax and am able to apply a num data offset to axis 6 but cannot apply those and move to the new rotated position. How can I assign this new Robax_6 data into a robot target or robot joint position?


  • Hello, you read your current position, with crob, then you can convert the robtarget to jointtarget, I don't have a manual with me here, but I know there is a function to do it.

    Then read your jointtarget, the jointtarget, has the values of all axis.

    Modify the value of 6th axis, then convert to robtarget, there is a function to do it.


    Jorge Turiel

  • Got it! I used a reltool with the /Rz option to rotate 90 then again to rotate another 90 (180total). Then I used CRobT and over wrote my robtarget then repeated the reltool to complete the rotation.... Works like a champ....
  • This a solution for your problem, but you have to know that reltool rotates the tool usign the system coordinates of the the current tool. Beware with this, because if your tool is redefined or changed the result will not be the same.


    Jorge Turiel