RobotStudio event

MessageWritten event - PC SDK 5.13.01 - Win 7 x64



Another problem to develop under Win7 x64: IDE Visual Studio 2010, 5.13
PC SDK, Robostudio Online 5.13 installed and trying on Virtual Controller. All working good except to istance a "new EventHandler<ABB.Robotics.Controllers.EventLogDomain.MessageWrittenEventArgs>", no compiling error, but only a "System.FormatExeption" at run time. Why this??

Put a easy example that explain my problem:

bye Ema

PS: my Platform Target is "x86" and only can be it or I catch this error

my problem is resolved if I install 5.13.02 PC SDK???
ECapitanio2010-12-07 18:13:06


  • Resolved with installation of new Developer Tools 5.13.02 Thumbs Up
    ECapitanio2010-12-09 17:32:12