RobotStudio event


Dear All

    Since 5 November 2010, I install IRB 4600 for Robotic De-Palletizzer. Start from 29 November 2010 until 2 December 2010, the IRC5 controller shut down suddently about 2 - 3 times a day. After I turn On again, the IRC5 will booting and  loading normally (there is no System Failure or Error/Event Log arised at that time).

    But, when I check event log (at another day) there is Hardware Error 34264 : Rectifier inrush limitation active in Motor On. In drive module 1, the inrush control resistor in the rectifier unit at drive unit position 1 is wrongly engaged. It's strange, I can not find this error code (34264) on ABB Manual Book


     At 3 Desember 2010 I turn on the IRC5 about few minutes and it turn off sudenntly. I tried to turn on, but CPU looked like try to
start up but not strong enough. And suddently the Distribution Power Supply DSQC 662 was burned and smoke got out from this unit.

    Then I tried to replace the DSQC 662 with another DSQC 662 from another robot that I have, but the same thing is happened (the DSQC 662 was burned). So I think, the root of cause is not on DSQC 662.

    Is there anyone can tell me what happen with my controller? I don't know is there relationship between DSQC662 burning and error 34264.

Thanks and best regard

Dhyan Wicaksono

fear of GOD is the beginning of wisdom