RobotStudio event

How to define loaddata for a gripper ???


I've a gripper and a work piece  with the definition below. I will carry my work piece at the  tcp([0,0,542]) of  my gripper. So i am defining loaddata like :=[30,[0,0,0],[1,0,0,0],0,0,0] but it gives errror about incorrect loaddata definiton. I am using gripload command to load-unload operations. My question is how to I define gravitiy center positions for loaddata or  in another asking way, Do we need to define loaddata positions according to wrist coor. system or tool coor. system?


Data Definitions :

PERS tooldata tGripper:=[TRUE,[[0,0,542],[1,0,0,0]],[64.7,[20,0,245],[1,0,0,0],0,0,0]];

PERS loaddata PartLoadAct:=[30,[1,1,1],[1,0,0,0],0,0,0];


Thanks in advance..
tomb2010-12-16 10:08:11


  • Hello,
    CG is in the wrist coordinate system. The info is in the Rapid Reference Manual in the loaddata section. I am attaching files from the manual.


    BR / Jim Proulx


  • If you robot supports loadIdentify, in S4C+ (m2000) was a option, for some robots, but in Irc5 99% of robots has this option by default.

    So If your robot has it, calcule the mass of the tool and the loaddata, ussing the loadidentify service routine. It's better for the robot


    Jorge Turiel

  • Hello

    Please find a description of tool load and pay load attached.


  • Thank you all for your replies. I had read the manuals before i had open this topic.But i had some confusions with loaddata section in manuals that is why am here :)

    My gripper is tGripper:=[TRUE,[[0,0,542],[1,0,0,0]],[64.7,[20,0,245],[1,0,0,0],0,0,0]]
    My workpiece(load ) is 30 kg(considered as a point load) and cog of the workpice is just tcp coordinates of my tool([0,0,542]). When we consider all these datas how should i define PartLoadAct:=[30,[?,?,?],[1,0,0,0],0,0,0].

  • If the cog of the part is at 0,0,542 in wrist coordinate system, then your loaddata PartLoadAct:=[30,[0,0,542],[1,0,0,0],0,0,0].
    When attaching the load : GripLoad PartLoadAct;

    When releasing the load : GripLoad load0;

    BR / Jim
  • Thanks for your answer  Jim.
    This is how i defined my loaddata.  I had seen some programs for part handling with different part load cog definition, so i had some confusions and manuals describe so many coor system(wrist, tool,loodata,payload coor. sys etc... :))


    Now my mind is clear again thank you very much again.