Close ScreenMaker aplication.


After learning how to open an application ScreenMaker through UIShow RAPID instruction, I wonder if there is another way to close this application without pressing the "close screen", which is common to all.

I did not find the way to "auto close" the SreenMaker aplication. Cry

Thanks in advance.

Greetings, Jesus.


  • Hello jesus,

    You could have button or any other control on the ScreenMaker screen which closes the screen for you. You need to define an action to close the screen.


    I doubt there is a way to close the screen of the application through RAPID.



  • Thanks Abhishek.

    You can not quit the application of ScreenMaker if not pressing the "close screen."
    The a
    ction "close this screen" for any button defined in ScreenMaker produces display the Main screen of the application.

    Thanks again, Jesus.
  • How to close a screenmaker screen in RAPID using IO. See attachment