RobotStudio event

Small feature request

When renaming multiple targets using the included "Rename targets" function included in RobotStudio it is only possible to rename to targetnames from 1+increment, but I need my target to be named from 0+increment, such that my first target is called pt_0.



Targets to be renamed:




renamed to






In this example I would have to select all targets but the first target "target_10" and use your "rename targets" tool to rename them to "pt_10, pt_20, ..." and finally go back and manually rename my first target to pt_0.


It seems that there is a restriction to what numbers I am allowed to put into the "start with:" box, and my guess is the code behind the function already works if I am allowed to put in a 0 in the box.


I am currently using this function _a lot_, and a patch to this function would be greatly appreciated :)


  • I have added the suggested change to our wish-list.

    Henrik Berlin
  • Actually, if you could make it possible to use the rename targets tool when creating targets from curves, that would remove another annoyance of finding the targets after they have been created just to rename them.

    Is there any scheduled release date for the next RobotStudio version/update?