RobotStudio event

Smart Component Attacher\ Detacher

Is is possible to make the SC Attacher Detacher child to "find closest object any object"? Just like you can in the event manager?


  • Hi,

    Yes, if you use the "Attacher" and "Detacher" in combination with the base component "ClosestObject". See the attached example station.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Sweet, now it is so obviousThumbs Up..

  • Well, I get it all to work when doing it manual, like in the example, but when I want to simulate it, the closest part (child) becomes the robot, not the actual part I want to attach. 

    All the I/O connections are correct, and they are indicated correctly in the I/O-Simulator..

    I'm total newbee in RS, so I may have made some fatal setup errors or something... hehe

  • To avoid that the robot is the closest object you ca try to change the property "ReferencePoint".
    But I recommend that you use a line or plane sensor instead of "ClosestObject".
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics

  • Got it now, I used plane sensor like you said... Thumbs Up
