RobotStudio event

Regain start

I have two 4600 robots connected to an IRC5 controller. One of the robots is working with conveyor sync. Two to tree times during the day the robot working on the conveyor stops, and will not start again without me connecting with RS online and moving the program pointer. It refuses to start without moving the program pointer.
Of course the other robot will not start either, because they are on the same controller, but it is always the robot working with conveyor sync that I have to move the pointer.

In the event log I can read the following:
Start/restart of program, via System IO, was rejected.
The reason could be that the robot is outside of regain distance.

I have increased the regain distance very much in the system settings, without any luck. The stop that causes the robot not to restart, can be just an normal auto stop. Or an error because the robot have problems keeping up with the conveyor.
If there is an error, it sometimes restarts by itself without problem. And sometimes I get the message that start/restart via System IO is rejected.

Any toughs about how I can get this working smooth? I do not have any flexpendant connected to the robots, so there is no operators that have the possibility to move the program pointer.

The error that normally just causes a few seconds stop, but sometimes requires moving the programpointer is the following:
External position adjustment too large. TCP speed, orientation speed, or external position speed exceed allowed robot performance.

?yvind Birkeland
Frekhaug Vinduet AS