RobotStudio event

ModPos on INOUT robtagets


I am having problems using robtargets as INOUT parameters.


It seems as if the "Modpos" action is ineffective on such robtargets. Has anyone already tried to do this?


  PERS robtarget pJ92W67PT_priSTD:=[[231.47,32.66,-47.06],[0.03091,-0.691511,-0.721473,-0.018271],[-1,-1,-2,0],[9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09]];


      T_pri_ST_D pJ92W67PT_priSTD;

  PROC T_pri_ST_D(
    INOUT robtarget p_pri_ST_D)

   ! trajectoire pt avant_prise jusqu'au pt prise DROIT STOCKEUR
    MoveL Offs(p_pri_ST_D,0,0,50),v7000,z10,pinceWObj:=wo_stockeur;
    MoveL p_pri_ST_D,v500,fine,pinceWObj:=wo_stockeur;

When I press Modpos on "p_pri_ST_D", it is completely ineffective... 


  • Modpos on parameters as you have done is not supported.
    You can modify the position on the calling row: "T_pri_ST_D pJ92W67PT_priSTD;".

    This is possible from the program editor window even though the program pointer is within the "T_pri_ST_D" procedure.
  • Thanks,

    Since it is not very handy to modpos on T_pri_ST_D pJ92W67PT_priSTD;"

    I have put the parameter in a pers data at the beginning of the routine and update the value of the INOUT parameter at the end of the routine in case of a modpos.