Maximum accuracy

What is the integration step size in Robot Studio? Is the step size adjustable. I am intrested to use Robot Studio on tasks with duration off less than 0.5 seconds. Is it possible to see the motor torques/forces? image


  • Hello Lars,

    RobotStudio communicate every 24 milli sec with the Virtual Controller, this is fixed and cannot be adjusted. In between the graphics is updated why the performance of your computor, and the size of your station will have an impact of the possibilities to carry out tasks less than 0.5 sec.

    The answer to your last question about, motor torques/forces is no.

    Best regards

    /Ulrika Mor?n

    Support Engineer

  • So using Robotstudio for estimating the operation time for a tasks with the Flexpicker robot is not possible?

  • Hello again,

    It will work perfectly well to get correct Motion Times for Flexpicker, but you will not get it in real time.

    Meaning the correct Motion Time (stated in the output window) can be 1 second but the actual simulation in RobotStudio can take 5 seconds.


    /Ulrika Mor?n

    Support Engineer


    Ulrika Mor?n37951,5800810185
  • image Ok, finally I understand how it works. Thank you.

    //Lars Johannesson