RobotStudio event

Question About GripLoad

Hello, I have a robot with a grip, and a gun in the floor.

The grip is defined as robhold = true, and the gun in the floor is defined as robhold = false.

My robot, takes the piece using a moveL like this:
    MoveL p60, v300, fine, t_grip;
    GripLoad LoadPiece;

Then when the robot goes to the gun , I use move reference to the tool gun, like this:

   MoveJ p90,v1000,z10,t_gunwobj:=wPiece;

My question is:
 1) The tool in the floor should have the same mass a the tool grip?
 2) When I move reference to the gun (in the floor) should I put a new gripload loadPiece, because I change the tool used in my moves?

Thanks in advance

Jorge2011-03-18 12:04:34
Jorge Turiel