Offline Programmer ABB - Job Vacancy

edited March 2022 in Job listings
Hello All,

I am trying hard to find somebody for a job vacancy close to DA?sseldorf in Germany.

The position is marked as "Offline Programmer" for ABB robotic systems to work with RobotStudio linked to Catia V5 in the automotive industry.

It is long termed for several projects. Of course I need somebody with german language skills and familiar with ABB Robotics (offline).

If somebody is interested please contact me...

Thank you

Post edited by Maxim Riabichev on


  • Hi this is Manikandan from India. I have worked on various Industrial automation projects as a project lead & Robot programmer. In essence, I have learnt Robotic skills in my experiences such as Online Programming for Fanuc & ABB Robots and offline programming/simulation for ABB robots using Robot studio software.

    I have six years of technical education in Mechanical Engineering department.