RobotStudio event

How to Create a DO Signal in Robot Studio

Hello to all

It's my first post here :). I'm from Poland and I'm using Robot Studio 5.13 in my M.A. dissertation.

I've got some question concerning signal handling in Robot Studio. Can someone explain me how to create my own signal in Robot Studio?

I've been reading this topic:
but the EOI.cfg file has some strange characters in it.

I would be grateful for any help you could provide.



  • Hi,

    You have to go to "Offline" tab in robotstudio, then on the left window you will see your robot controller. Then you have to open "configuration" and click on "I/O" in this window you should choose Type name "signal" In the main window you can see all I/Os that are predefined for the robot controller use.

    If you want to create your own digital output you should do following :

    Click right button of the mouse on "signal" in type name window. Then "Add Signal.." will appear. click on it and Edit signal window will appear.

    you can select name of the signal, Type of signal DO, DI,AO,AI, GO, GI,

    After creating the signal you have to restart the controller.