About IRC5


I'm Tony in KRABB.

I used to program by Visual Basic in RobotStudio3.2.image

And then I have two questions about RobotStudio5.

    1) What language can I use in RobotStudio5?

    2) Can I use FPSDK in Robotstudio5 Flexi Pendant?

I'm waiting for RobotStudio5.

Please reply me!image



Tony Kim


  • Hi Tony,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    >1) What language can I use in RobotStudio5?
    We don't have anything similar to VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) in RobotStudio 5.x today.image
    So the only way to write macros to RobotStudio 5.x is to develop them in "Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003".image

    >2) Can I use FPSDK in Robotstudio5 Flexi Pendant?
    Yes, if you have the required BaseWare option in the Virtual Controller.
    The software to develop FlexPendant applications is called RAB (Robot Application Builder).
    RAB applications are also developed in "Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003".image

    >I'm waiting for RobotStudio5.
    You can download RobotStudio 5.06 right now from SolutionsBank or from the Software Subscription Service portal.image

    Best regards,

    Thomas Andersson
    Support Engineer
    ABB Automation Technologies
  • Thank you for your reply.

    Well! I saw RobotStudio5 last friday.

    RS5 has a menu for API. But didn't.

    When do you support the mneu?


    Tony Kim
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