Using of DSQC 652

Hello everybody

I have an application in witch I need to use I/O with a DSQC 652 in IRC5. The module is well communicating with the UC (all comm LED stay in green). I have try to set output put the led stay desperately off. Is the switching of the output led depending on presence of an output device (I have try with nothing mapped on the output) ?
Does anyone have examples of how to connect interrupter on input and actuator (a simple 24v light) on output ?
Thank you very much !!




  • Hi,

    Have you wired 24 Volts to the outputs (pins 9 (0 volt) and 10 (24 volt) on both the X1 and X2 connector)?



    graemepaulin2011-05-24 11:00:44
  • Nop, I haven't plug the connector since I haven't find wiring diagram or wiring example (if you have something I will really gratefulness !!)

    Can't we switch on the output led without anything plug on the output?

    Thank you !
  • Hi


    The LED will not light up unless you wire 0 and 24 volts to the pins discribed above.

    The output itself does not need to be wired only the 0 and 24 volt.

    There is no wiring diagram as there are many sources for the 24 volt.



  • Ok, thank you very much for your help. I will try in this way.
    Concerning the Input, how to wire an input with a switch ?

    Thanks !

  • [QUOTE=graemepaulin]Hi,

    Have you wired 24 Volts to the outputs (pins 9 (0 volt) and 10 (24 volt) on both the X1 and X2 connector)?




    Hi, can you say me what do you mean ?
    I need the power supply to energize a solenoid valve (24 V DC) and have connected the wires to the pin 9 and 10 of the xs7 I/O socket  (IRC5 compact ) but the multimeter measures a very small voltage on those pins!

  • Hi,

    The wiring is different on the IRC5 compact as the DSQC652 is wired to the connectors on the front of the controller.


    Connector XS10 pin 1 is =24 volt, pin 2 is 0 volt, pin 3 is connected to the DSQC652 pin 9 (0 volt), and pin 4 is connected to the DSQC652 pin 10 (24 volt).

    Connector XS7 pins 1 to 8 and 11 to 18 are you digital outputs from the DSQC652.


    Note the above is for the current version of the compact controller which has a different pin out (and connector arrangement) to the original so you need to check before wiring things up.




  • [QUOTE=graemepaulin]Hi,

    The wiring is different on the IRC5 compact as the DSQC652 is wired to the connectors on the front of the controller.


    Connector XS10 pin 1 is =24 volt, pin 2 is 0 volt, pin 3 is connected to the DSQC652 pin 9 (0 volt), and pin 4 is connected to the DSQC652 pin 10 (24 volt).

    Connector XS7 pins 1 to 8 and 11 to 18 are you digital outputs from the DSQC652.


    Note the above is for the current version of the compact controller which has a different pin out (and connector arrangement) to the original so you need to check before wiring things up.




    No XS10 connector is present on the IRC5 Compact.Please, can you have a look to the attached circuit diagram about XS7 ?

  • Hi,

    The circuit diagram you have attached is from the previous revsion of the manual (rev A), and your controller should look like the graphic below.


    The current controller is as below.


    You will need to pick up the 24 volt from the XS6  connector (+24 volt on pin 19) and connect this to pin 10 and 20 on XS7 (your circuit diagram).

    Note the rated output current is 500 mA/channel.



  • Now it's clear, but i cannot figure out why  i should pick up the 24 V from the XS6 connector since  the IRC5 Compact manual says:

    This connector (XS7) is internally connected with I/O unit (DSQC 652) and power distribution board.
    It contains the following signals:
    ?_? 16 digital inputs and 16 digital outputs of DSQC 652
    ?_? 24V power supply

  • Hi,

    On the circuit diagram you attached you can see pin 10 on X1 and X2 is shown as not connected to the 24 Volt internally (while the 0 Volt is).


    You should check with a meter to see if there is 24 volt between pins 9 and 10, also pins 19 and 20 on connector XS7. If there is no voltage you need to connect 24 volt to pin 10 and 20, if there is 24 Volt then you do not need to connect 24 Volt.




  • [QUOTE=graemepaulin]Hi,

    On the circuit diagram you attached you can see pin 10 on X1 and X2 is shown as not connected to the 24 Volt internally (while the 0 Volt is).


    You should check with a meter to see if there is 24 volt between pins 9 and 10, also pins 19 and 20 on connector XS7. If there is no voltage you need to connect 24 volt to pin 10 and 20, if there is 24 Volt then you do not need to connect 24 Volt.




    So, also the digital outputs are disconnected?

    So it is necessary to open the controller case and make the connections with the pin 19 of the xs6?

  • Hi,

    It is not necessary to open the controller case, you can make all the connections at the connectors on the front as they are wired to the DSQC652 terminals.


    The circuit diagram shows how one output (X1-1 and X2-1) from each terminal block is wired into the DSQC652 as an example.




  • Hi,
    This I/O & 24v problem also confused me, too.  I have a controller with front panel as follow(no XS10 & XS11).  But what I have from local dealer is a manual of later version which has XS10 & XS11.  Is anyone happens to have a manual suitable to my controller version??

    Many thanks in anvance!

    guds2011-11-26 10:06:48

  • [QUOTE=graemepaulin]Hi,

    The wiring is different on the IRC5 compact as the DSQC652 is wired to the connectors on the front of the controller.


    Connector XS10 pin 1 is =24 volt, pin 2 is 0 volt, pin 3 is connected to the DSQC652 pin 9 (0 volt), and pin 4 is connected to the DSQC652 pin 10 (24 volt).

    Connector XS7 pins 1 to 8 and 11 to 18 are you digital outputs from the DSQC652.


    Note the above is for the current version of the compact controller which has a different pin out (and connector arrangement) to the original so you need to check before wiring things up.



    I have an IRC5 Compact with the newer version. But I'm confused: do I need to connect the XS10-1 to XS7-10 and XS10-2 to XS7-9??
    What about the inputs?
    Zasil Medina
  • Hi guys ! 
    I see that this topic is kinda the same as mine. I have a question about how to control solenoid valve through the IRC5. So, I don't open yet the controller to see DSQC625. I have a jack to XS7 I/O and on it's end it looks like this:
    It has 13 cables. I want to power solenoid valve through the external power supply(24V). I have an idea to connect + of power supply to the entire valve(each + port), - from power supply to the ground of the IRC5 XS7 I/O cable, and the pins from the controller connect to the - of the soleoind valve. Can I make it this way ? I don't know were the ground is in this cable(jack) that you can see in the picture. 

    Pleaseeeee, heeeelp meeeee 
    Regards, Paul
    And sorry for my bad english. 
  • Hi,

    You will need to open up the shell on the connector that plugs into the controller and map out which pins each of the cores are connected to.

    Pins 1-8 and 11 to 18 are the outputs from the DSQC652 (as shown in the wiring diagram above) - you need to connect the solenoid to one of these outputs (make sure that the solenoid will not draw to much current -  rated output current is 500 mA/channel - use a relay if the solenoid draws more power than this).

    There is no 24 VDC connected to the outputs on the built in DSQC652 so you need to connect 24 VDC to pin 10 or 20 on XS7.

    +24VDC is available at the XS6 connector pin 19.

    Hope this helps.


  • +24VDC is available at the XS6 connector pin 19.

    Hope this helps.



    Is there a pin for 0VDC on the XS6 plug as well? For some reason I have newer documentation than the robot controller I have. I have  a ol IRC5 Compact controller with an XS6 plug but my diagrams show a XS10 plug (3HAC031403-003 Rev7). Unfortunately I can't see the images posted earlier in this thread.


  • Does anyone know if the outputs from the DSQC 652 can be used for PWM?
  • How to configure Dsqc 652 with robot controller in flex pendant for irc5 controller with irb1410 

  • Hi everybody!!

    We recently purchased a second hand IRB 6640 which includes a DSQC652 card in its IRC5 controller.

    I already have the safety part operative satisfactorily (with its safety relays, dual channel, reset...) but I'm completely stuck with the I/O card.

    The DeviceNet part is already wired and I have to wire connectors X1, X2, X3 and X4.

    My first problem is the same that some colleagues have exposed. I activate an output and I don't see any LED light up.

    According to your comments, it seems that I have to supply 24V to pins 9 and 10 of connectors X1 and X2.

    First question, do I have to get those 24V from the controller or can it come from the external source with which I intend to power all the sensors and actuators?
    If the 24V must be from the controller, where do I get it from?

    Second question. What should I do with connectors X3 and X4?
    Only supply 0V to pin 9 of X3 and X4?
    Can I use the same external source that I intend to use for the outputs?

    Is there an indicator that lets me know that the DeviceNet part is properly connected and configured.

    Thank you very much for your help!!
  • graemepaulin
    edited February 2022
    The 24 VDC and 0VDC on the signal connectors (X1-X4) can be connected to an external supply.
    Note that X1 and X2 pins 9 (to 9) and 10 (to 10) are connected, also X3 and X4 pin 9 - so you only have to connect the supply to one of the connectors.

    The NS (network status) and MS (Module status) LEDs should be on green solid when the unit is connected successfully to DeviceNet
  • The 24 VDC and 0VDC on the signal connectors (X1-X4) can be connected to an external supply.
    Note that X1 and X2 pins 9 (to 9) and 10 (to 10) are connected, also X3 and X4 pin 9 - so you only have to connect the supply to one of the connectors.

    The NS (network status) and MS (Module status) LEDs should be on green solid when the unit is connected successfully to DeviceNet
    thank you!
    I was 99% sure of how to make the connection but I needed the final push to eliminate my fear

    I have connected it and everything works correctly

    I have finally decided to use an external power supply for all the sensors but I am going to pass it through relays so that the DSQC652 card works only with 24V coming from the robot in a way that eliminates any possibility of external noise, overloads or anything weird that can happen spoil the card
