Ordering system actions??


Is it possible to order system actions from Flexpendant SDK? As far as I can tell, the only possible way is via I/O signals that have already been assigned system actions in the system parameters? I am using v.5.06.


Michael Siminski
Technical Support Engineer
Robotics Product & Systems Service
Manufacturing Automation, Automation Technologies (ATMA)
ABB Australia
Email: michael.siminski @ au.abb.com


  • Can you be more specific about what you mean by system actions?
    Russell Drown
  • Hi,

    Turn motors on/off, start rapid program from main/current position, reset errors, etc.


    Michael Siminski
    Technical Support Engineer
    Robotics Product & Systems Service
    Manufacturing Automation, Automation Technologies (ATMA)
    ABB Australia
    Email: michael.siminski @ au.abb.com
  • There is no special functionality in FPSDK for these functions, as you say you might be able to use I/O mapping to access them.

    Part of the reasoning for this might be that most those functions are right on the GTPU anyway, if not directly through a dedicated button then through one of the programmable buttons.

    For programmatic access to these functions you might look towards CAPI (part of RAB) or WebWare SDK. This access would be remote, however, i.e. running on another PC on the network.

    Russell Drown