RobotStudio event

IRC5 Compact problem, XS2 - XS41 issue

I made a blunder and a colleague of mine connected the signal cable from an ABB 140 robot to XS41 instead of XS2. Damn.

Now I get a lot of nasty looking hardware errors etc.

Does anyone know how to recover from this? I have 2 extra 140's on pallets and need a quick fix, is it faster to replace the robot and recalibrate ( is this possible at all ) or is there something that I must reset first / calibrate the robot SMB counters or?

I am asking for a quick fix, got customers coming in monday morning for FAT during the week. Business as usual...


Laro882011-06-06 07:27:08


  • Apparently all that happened was that the serial measurement board (SMB) was reset.
    However in the logfile a lot of error messages popped up. Resetting the SMB solved the problem, and the robot is running again.