RobotStudio event

SoftServo for teaching?



Did anybody use the SoftServo function of the robot to teach positions? It is possible to move the tool by hand after:

SoftAct 1, 100;
SoftAct 2, 100;
SoftAct 3, 100;
SoftAct 4, 100;
SoftAct 5, 100;
SoftAct 6, 100;

I tried with a IRB1600, but the hand axes should even be softer. It is quiet heavy to move the tool by one hand. The other hand has to press the enabling button. How can you make the axes even softer?


Best regards




  • Hello Marcel,
    The soft srvo that comes with the robot is not intended for this. There is an option called Force Control Machining that allows for lead through programming. It requires a force load sensor be mounted on the robot flange. There is a GUI option that allows the programmer to soften the robot and guide the robot by hand through a path. The software ballences the axis so the robot doesn't fall. After setting the lead through positions the GUI has a program to have the robot feel it's way allong the path and create the need rapid MoveL instructions for the Rapid program. There is a You Tube video of this :

    There is also an option called SafeMove that allows for softening of cartesian axis. This is not intended for lead through programming. If you did try it, you would need to stiffen the robot when teaching the points. See attached video.

    BR / Jim Proulx