RobotStudio event

Simulation - Signal Analyzer

I just ordered a RS licence to be able to use the new simulation option.

At this point i still have 12 days left to test....


But on my system Windows 7 x64, the Signal Analyzer doesn't start at all.


(The product manual recommends Windows 7 x64)


On a windows XP based machine it runs without any problem Confused


What can I do ?


  • There should not be any problem to use RobotStudio and Signal Analyzer with Windows 7 x64 (I am using it myself).
    Is the Signal Analyzer button disabled, or what happend when you try to use it?
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • The buttons are present but nothing happens when trying to use them, no error, nothing.

    Tried it on a XP machine with no problems (both without a licence).


  • De- and -Installed RS, but still having the same problem.

    Buttons are not disabled, and can be pushed but not functional Confused

  • If you have a valid license I don't know what your problem can depend on. Please contact your local ABB office for support with this problem.
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics