EIO Loading still Not fixed in RS5.06.155


Currently, I downloaded RS 5.06.1556.143.

Because of BUS error in EIO.cfg, it could not be  loaded directly from Backup to RS which had occurred before.

Does it have any simple way without changing BUS name "DeviceNet1" to "Virtual1"?

Yours truly,

Jeong-Keen Hwang
Application Engineer
ABB Ltd.

Phone: +82 41 529 2343
Fax: +82 41 529 2350
Mobile: 011 9810 7013
email: jeong-keen.hwang@kr.abb.com


  • Hi,

    I have not heard about that problem. But I can take a look at it if you mail me a backup from yor system.

    E-mail: anders.spaak@se.abb.com

    Anders S38644,7066203704
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • If you use the RobotWare 5.06.0158 that comes with RS 5.06 it is no problem.

    When you install a new version of RobotStudio it is important that you install the RobotWare and RobotStudio Online that comes with the installation.Anders S38645,4242939815
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
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