RobotStudio event

Robot Reference Interface (RRI)


I'm trying to use RRI to get position robot
I have put the three xml files in the correct folders.
My server is listening on the port I have defined on Description.xml.
I try my server with a simple client application and it works.
When i launch the robot application no error is written.
But my server received nothing. If someone could help me.

 Settings.xml in HOME/GSI

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <Client Convention="CDP" Name="PosRobot"/>

 Descrition.xml in GSI/PosRobot

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Network  Address="" Port="Lan">
        <Channel Type="Cyclic" Protocol="Udp" Port="1069" />

 Configuration.xml in GSI/PosRobot

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Enum Name="opmode" Link="Intern">
      <Member Name="ReducedSpeed" />
      <Member Name="FullSpeed" />
      <Member Name="Automatic" />
    <Record Name="robotdata">
      <Field Name="type" Type="Real" Alias="Type" />
      <Field Name="status" Type="String" Alias="Status" />
      <Field Name="OperationMode" Type="opmode" Link="Intern" Alias="Mode" />
      <Field Name="PredictedTime" Type="Time" Link="Intern" Alias="Time" />
      <Field Name="PlannedPose" Type="Frame" Link="Intern" Alias="Frame" />
      <Field Name="PlannedJoints" Type="Joints" Link="Intern" Alias="Joints" />
      <Field Name="FeedbackTime" Type="Time" Link="Intern" Alias="FTime" />
      <Field Name="FeedbackPose" Type="Frame" Link="Intern" Alias="FFrame" />
      <Field Name="FeedbackJoints" Type="Joints" Link="Intern" Alias="FJoints" />
    <Record Name="replydata">
      <Field Name="type" Type="Real" Alias="Type" />
    <Property Name="RobotMessage" Type="robotdata" Flag="WriteOnly" />
    <Property Name="ReplyMessage" Type="replydata" Flag="ReadOnly" />

 Main Module

SiConnect PosRobot;
SiSetCyclic PosRobot, RobotMessage,1000;
SiClose PosRobot