RobotStudio event

PC SDK bypass networkScanner process


Can I do an application in order to communicate with controllers directly?? via sockets, I mean if I do not use robnetscannhost process.

 Thank you in advance.


  • Klaus
    Klaus ✭✭

    Yes you can. PC interface option is needed on the robot.
    Best Regards

    Klaus Soenderhegn
  • Ok thanks, 

    Do you know the robot's port numbre?? that the robot controller is listening.

    Thanks a lot.
  • Hi

    The port and ip address is for you to decide:


    Basic examples

    Basic examples of the instruction
    SocketBind are illustrated below.
    Example 1

    VAR socketdev server_socket;
    SocketCreate server_socket;
    SocketBind server_socket, "", 1025;

    A server socket is created and bound to port
    1025 on the controller network address
    . The server socket can now be used in an SocketListen instruction to listen
    for incoming connections on this port and address.
    Knud Erik Lindberg
    Jorgensen Engineering

  • do not use 5500-5599
    Some of them are used by robotscanner and rs  online. Can not remember witch but there is 1 TCP and 3 UDP port in that range
    Best Regards

    Klaus Soenderhegn