RobotStudio event

RobotWare not defined

Hello. I am brand new to RobotStudio. I am trying out the 30 day free trial version. I am using the tutorials in this community website. I am trying to build a station. I select the robot I want to use and it is looking for a filepath to select the RobotWare release to use for the system. I navigate to the RobotWare folder but I just keep getting an error: The system could not be created. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!


  • Also getting an error that says: The system could not be created because there is no RobotWare release defined. HELP??????
  • Hi,

    Did you install the RobotWare when you installed RobotStudio?

    If not run launch.exe again, go to install products and select the Robotware option.

    This will install the Robotware in the default location and you should be away.



  • Hi. I've got similar problem. My RobotStudio 5.13  don't detect Roboware (installed in same location). The problems started after my system (vista) had broken. I've  reinstalld Robotstudio and Robotware few times but when I'm using System Builder I allways have blank field under Robotware version. Is there any possibility to set Robotware location manually in Robotstudio?