RobotStudio event


Hello! I
have a question about creating AddIns in Visual Studio Express Edition. When I
build my project in Visual Studio it make a copy of dll file and put it to a
folder. Then I load this dll file to my RobotStudio station. There is no macro
in it. And how can I run this program from RobotStudio?


  • All AddIn dll-files that is placed in the folder C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesABB Industrial ITRobotics ITRobotStudioAddIns will be visible under the Add-Ins tab in RobotStudio the next time RobotStudio is started.
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Thank you for your answer. dll-files are really visible. But I can't run them. There is no button to start them.