use Keystring to setup a VC

I have a keystring of a robot and want to creat a virtual robot in the robot studio.How can I do it. I have tried to use "set up VC" but there is not a place where I can write in the Key string.


anybody can help?image


  • Hi,

    Import the correct robot model in RobotStudio, right click on it in the browser and select "Setup Controller".

    Select "Change Controller" in the Setup window and then click on "Create" in the Virtual Robot Browser window.

    Now can you type in your key string in the "Key String field".

    When you have done that press OK and then Finish.

    Now have you created a new Virtual Controller from your own key string.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • thanks for your answer Mr Anders S

    I have try the method you recommanded to me.

    but there still little problem. when I type the name of the new system "Sperre" and click "OK",there comes a erro message which says that there is not a map named "Sperre" under the path "c`:programfilerfellesfile`ABBautomationcontrollerV4

    But I find the map under this path as you can see in the attachment. I do not know what's happen?erro.rar

  • It seems to be a problem with your user rights. You need to have at least "standard user" rights when you are using RobotStudio.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Sorry sir ,"standard user" for what ? for my PC or for the RobotStudio?

    how can I get a "standard user "right if it is for RS?


  • I meant the user rights for Windows. Open the Control Panel and select "User Accounts". Here can you see the user rights for different users (accounts).

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics