RobotStudio event

RW 5.14.01 cursor not visible on flexpendant

On the flexpendant we have some times the effect that the cursor is not moving by touching the display. We found out that it is possible to move the PP to Cursor to that touched line Shocked. Some times it is also possible to move the cursor. We use RobotWare 5.14.01. We didn't try the newer RobotWare because there is nothing written in the release notes about this bug.


Best regards

Marcel2011-10-07 09:52:17


  • The problem with the invisible cursor is still a problem in RobotWare 6.05.
  • That has been around for quite some time.  I found a remedy is to close the program editor window and open it back up.
    Lee Justice
  • Thank you. Yes that is also what I found out in the last six years. I always hope with a new RobotWare version that it is fixed, but no ...