RobotStudio event

Motion endpoint will not match target.


I've restored my backup from my "real "robot in my Virtual Controller/RobotStudio.
I redefined the TCP and the WorkObjects, but my robotargets isn't matching the target.
In my Station I'm using o 1 2400LHanging, 1 Gantry RRTC and 2 MTC2000...
When I'm opening my station in the RS I'got  the following error message:
Warning: Robot base position differs from baseframe in VC's MOC.cfg. Motion endpoint will not match target.

What can I do to match my targets? What's can be wrong?!?

Thanks for any help

Marcus Daniel




Marcus Daniel
ABB Robotics
mobile: +55 11 8586-4960


  • Anders S


    That warning indicates that the robots baseframe is not placed at the same position as the RobotWorld (wobj0).

    In your case  I assume that the robots baseframe is moved by the gantry.

    If that is the case, place the gantrys baseframe in the RobotWorld zero position, open the "Setup Controller" and define that the robots baseframe is moved by the gantry.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics