RobotStudio event

How to use positioner Smart Component


I am having problems to figure out how to use positioner Smart Component (SC) correctly.


As example I attached here the RS station including partametric retangle SC I have try to make to work.

All seems OK when ever the SC position in station is zero, but I start having problems when trying to move (Set Position or through higher level positioner SC) the component.

If I update/execute the retangle size in worlds zero I can move it with set position dialog, but when retangle is already off worlds zero I can't get the SC to work properly.


It seems to me that all positioners inside my retangle SC will be added with trans/rotation of the retangle SC. This happends even I set the reference to object (line 1 or SC itself).

I think that the trans/rot I set in positioner should be within coordinate system I set as reference (In my case the SC itself or line 1). But the "out side" translations/rotations will be added?


So how to move components inside my own SC, so that those components relative positions remains even when SC itself will be moved in station or inside other SC component.


Here sample picture what is happening







  • Seems that nobody knows how to do this!? or is it possible?

    I tried to look the Belt- and Roller-Conveyor samples how they have done this, but this functionality (I guess) was hidden inside a dll called MatrixRepeaterUpdate.


    Can somebody from ABB give a comment?



  • Hi Mika,
    I made the belt and roller conveyor, and it is correct that some functionality was made with help of "Code Behind" and hidden in a dll, but for the positioner I only used standard components.
    I will try to get time at the end of this week to look into your problem. I will come back to you then.
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics

  • Hi Mika,
    I have now tested your SmartComponent, and I agree that the "positioner" doesn't behave correct. If the object that should be positioned is placed outside the SC on station level it works correct, but if it belongs to the SC it will behave as you explained.
    I have reported this as a bug.
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • OK, thanks.
    I must wait until the correction have made.

