RobotStudio event

Virtual Controller problem.


I'm running RobotStudio 3.1 Build 2234 on Windows XP SP3 and I can't seem to get the Virtual Controller working.
I import the library of the station I'd like to work with but when I want to start the controller it gives me an error message saying "Invalid System". I can only click OK, once I do that the controller initialization freezes, if I attempt to abort the process, it crashes and gives me a Windows application error message.
According to the eventlog the crash was caused by ole32.dll.

I have no idea how to deal with this problem, I've reinstalled the program several times on different locations and disabled all the spyware/firewall programs to no avail.
Can you please help me?


  • Hi,
    Start with upgrade to RobotStudio 4.0. This upgrade will be free of charge if you have a valid license. Contact your local ABB office for support with this.

    Anders S2011-11-08 20:44:50
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics