RobotStudio event

Get current robot TCP location.

Is there a command that I can use to get the coordinates of the TCP?  I would like to use that and define a target.

The unknown point is reached by using soft move.  The only way that I have found to deactivate soft move is to have a move command built in, so I need to move to the current position.


  • Hi,

    Use CRobT the following example is from the manual:


    VAR robtarget p1;
    MoveL *, v500, fine Inpos := inpos50, tool1;
    p1 := CRobT(Tool:=tool1 WObj:=wobj0);

    The current position of the robot and external axes is stored in
    p1. The tool tool1 and work object wobj0 are used for calculating the position.
    Note that the robot is standing still before the position is read and calculated. This is achieved by using the stop point
    fine within position accuracy inpos50 in the preceding movement instruction.

    Hope this helps.
  • That worked perfectly.  Thanks for pointing me in the right direction Graeme.