Unable to acquire license


I'm trying to start up a virtual IRC5 but when starting I get the following error message:

"Unable to acquire a valid license (error -2147220966). You have 6 days left for evaulation. Please use the license Key Request Wizard to obtain a valid permanent license."

The license request and installation was successful and I can create and run controllers through Robot Studio. I've installed the VIRC5 as a administrator but I've requested and installed the license as a normal user on my own account. Can that be a problem?

My RobotWare version is: 5.06.0143.00
Virtual IRC5 version is: 5.6.1429.95



  • Hi Erik.

    Yes, it could be a problem that you did not install the License Key File as an administrator.

    You need to change back to a administrator and dubbel click on the License Key File and go thru the wizard again to install the License Key.


    Tonje Sandberg
    Service Training Coordinator
    ABB AB / Robotics Products
  • Hi, and thanks for your response.

    I tried to install the license key as administrator but that didn't help. I got the same error message as before. So I did a clean install of my Robot Studio Online, RobotWare and Virtual IRC5 (used those versions that is included in VIRC5_5.06.1429.0095_Complete_CD.exe)

    This time though, I didn't need to install licenses for Robot Studio Online and RobotWare (I guess the old licenses still is in the system.) But the Virtual IRC5 still show the error message that I posted earlier. I've tried to get a new license and install that one instead but that didn't solve the problem.

    After the clean install my system consists of:
    RobotWare: 5.06.0095.00
    Virtual IRC5: 5.6.1429.95