How to simulate moving objects

Here is an example how to simulate moving objects, for instances, parts on a conveyor.

This is a VBA example that was used in a project. A timer (ccrpTmr6.dll) is also required.

This code defines a timer that calls a routine (that moves bottles) every 10th millisec:
Public WithEvents waitTime1 As ccrpTimer

Sub EnableBottlefeed()
Set waitTime1 = New ccrpTimer
waitTime1.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub waitTime1_Timer(ByVal Milliseconds As Long)
waitTime1.Interval = 10
'Move the bottles
End Sub

This code moves some bottles (along Y-axis) until it reaches an end-point. Then a signal is set and the timer is disabled:
Sub BottleFeedIncrease()
Dim VC As Controller
Dim dblBottlesYcord1 As Double
Dim dblBottlesYcord2 As Double
Dim dblBottlesYcord3 As Double

Set VC = ActiveStation.Controllers("IRB640_M2000")
dblBottlesYcord1 = bottles1.Transform.y
dblBottlesYcord2 = bottles2.Transform.y
dblBottlesYcord3 = attachBottles.Transform.y
dblBottlesYcord1 = dblBottlesYcord1 - 0.05
bottles1.Transform.y = dblBottlesYcord1
If bottles2.Transform.y > 1.36 Then
dblBottlesYcord2 = dblBottlesYcord2 - 0.05
bottles2.Transform.y = dblBottlesYcord2
bottles2.Transform.y = 1.36
End If
If attachBottles.Transform.y > 2.325 Then
dblBottlesYcord3 = dblBottlesYcord3 - 0.05
attachBottles.Transform.y = dblBottlesYcord3
attachBottles.Transform.y = 2.325
End If
If bottles1.Transform.y < 0.05 Then
bottles1.Transform.y = 0
ThisStation.waitTime1.Enabled = False
VC.IOs.Item("doBottleFeed").Value = 0
VC.IOs.Item("doCCfull").Value = 1
End If
End Sub
/Martin Lundh
Product manager
ABB Robotics
