RobotStudio event

PCSDK-Cartesian/Joint conversion

Given a Cartesian position how can I convert this to a Joint position?

And how would I convert the Joint position to the Cartesian.

The assumption is that I will be connected to a live robot when I do this conversion.

John Wiberg2012-01-19 14:12:29


  • Lookup CalcRobT & CalcJointT in the RAPID reference manual under Functions - they are probably what you are looking for.
  • Thanks for the quick response. That is what I am looking for.

    I should have clarified that I want to do this on the PC using the PC SDK. Would you know if there is an equivalent function in the PC SDK? Or would I have to write a Rapid program and run it remotely to get the value?

  • That is not in the PC SDK. This since the RAPID one takes those from the defintions of the manipulator arm (different arms would yield different results).

    One could do it the long way through the RobotStudio SDK and jumping the virtual robot to the target and then extracting the other type.
    But otherwise I'd go with the RAPID solution.
  • One problem I have with this approach is that  must be in Auto mode in order to execute the Program on the robot.

    Would I have the same restriction (Auto mode) if I were to use the SDK and the virtual robot?

    In general, how would I go about designating that I want to run the virtual robot and use this second approach you mention?

