Application icon


i have read in the documentation, that it is possible to use other icons as "tpu-Operaterxx.GIF" or that i can use my own icons for the application and the taskbar.

No i want to know if there is somewhere a list with the icon names which i can use.

Can anybody give me a detailed description how i can use my own icons, but i can't found anything about it in the documentation.

thank you




  • Hi Micky..

    from my experience, you can make your own icons by some relevant grapic tools such as photoshop, micro angelo and so on...

    the important thing is the size. for main icon the pixel size should be 32x32, and 16x16 is for the minor icon..

    the icons should be in "vcbin" in your RW folder during complie and FP as well.

    try can find easily..

    Best & Kind Regards,
  • Hello,

    For icons in the menu and menubar, you can place the bmp or gif file in the home directory of the robot, and reference them the same way as the tpu-Operaterxx.GIF file.

    If you want to use icons on an other place (buttons etc) see other items in this forum.


    :) Regards,
  • Micky
    Micky ✭✭✭

    Hello spaik, hello jan-japp,

    which knowing where the icons must be located, it was very easy to use my own icons.

    Thank you

    Micky   image