RobotStudio event

Sync to station problem


I was wondering how things happen when you sync back to station ? I am syncing back to my station from a code I wrote in offline part of RS, but after syncing back to station, I don't have any of added robot targets, neither the functions (paths) in my Home tab ... Can someone plz let me know how can I do that ?

Sky is the limit ...


  • Could you provide the .rspag?
    Henrik Berlin
  • Klaus
    Klaus ✭✭

    I have same problem.
    In output window it teels:
    IRB4600-45: Synchronization to Station started. 11-04-2012 15:23:19 General 
    IRB4600-45: Synchronization to Station completed. 11-04-2012 15:23:20 RAPID 
    but nothing happens. I have try it in both 5.14.2 and in 5.15
    Best Regards

    Klaus Soenderhegn
  • If you double-click on the last message ("Sync completed") in the output window, you may get some information about the steps of the sync operation.

    The sync will only work if the code is syntactically correct, please check it in the RAPID editor first.

    Please check in the synchronization dialog that the path and targets you want to sync is checked.

    Henrik Berlin
  • Klaus
    Klaus ✭✭

    The code was ok in rapid editor and all was checked.
    I have now sync each rutine one by one and got this error related to my post today related to different decleration in station and rapid. Now i can sync all in one.
    Best Regards

    Klaus Soenderhegn