RobotStudio event

RMQFindSlot -PC SDK 5.14 + Virtual Controller 5.14

As part of a PC SDK app development, I'm trying to load a robot program that uses the RMQFindSlot instruction, in the virtual controller. The Controller complains:

The instruction RMQFindSlot requires the option FlexPendant Interface...

Should the PCInterface be enough? I've read that the PCInterface is available by default in the virtual controller, but I don't see it in the System Info->Sytem properties->Control Module-> Option.

I'm running Robot Studio 5.14.02 - in Evaluation Period. In the RobotStudio Licenses Window I have a bunch of features and all are Standalone(Trial) and VALID.
The Robot modeled is: IRC 6650-125-3.2

How I can load the RMQ* instruction in the Virtual Controller. 
Thanks in advance!

razvan_sirbu2012-02-28 18:30:05
Razvan Sirbu


  • From the [Application manual - Robot communication and I/O control] chapter 9 it says this about options:

    [quote]What is included
    The RAPID Message Queue functionality is included in the RobotWare options:
    ?_? FlexPendant Interface
    ?_? PC Interface
    ?_? Multitasking
    RAPID Message Queue gives you access to RAPID instructions, functions, and data types for
    sending and receiving data.[/quote]
    So any of those options should be fine.
    Regarding [PC Interface], its not in the Virtual Controllers by defualt. Instead you need to add them using the [System Builder], just make sure your are running a Virtual Key and you can add any option - which of course only works in the Virtual world of RobotStudio. Shocked
    The RobotStudio version or license has no impact on this at all. PC SDK is FREE with RobotStudio, so it will be there after the evaluation period as well. So is the System Builder.